Annotated Sources

This page will be a compilation of all of the annotated sources that I have done after the 25th of January 2012. Please feel free to comment or follow the links contained to find the source document and read for yourself the document to which I refer. - Nathan

Annotated Sources

Wednesday Jan 25 2012

Title – Awareness, knowledge and attitude towards informed consent among doctors in two different cultures in Asia: a cross-sectional comparative study in Malaysia and Kashmir, India
Author - Yousuf R M
Description – In this article the author goes and describes the standard here in America for what is considered, Informed Consent. Then through a statistical survey given both healthcare professionals and their patients he determined that the number of patients in India that receive complete informed consent in only around 20%. 80% of the people who took the survey felt that they were never really included as to the gravity of their condition or whether or not they had a part in making the decision when it came down to who’s opinion mattered more.
Notables – As I was reading this article in particular it struck me that there is a difference between the trust levels of people in more patriarchal society like India and here in America.

Friday Jan 27 2012

Title – Ayurveda
Author – Multiple
Description – This is the Wikipedia article on the India system of medical beliefs that governs the more traditional methodology of how they perform their medical practices. It is very old, arguably the oldest systematic medical approach on the planet. It is very traditional and requires a lot of natural or common remedies that are well known throughout
Notables – The understanding of what this is, has given a good ground work to focus on as I develop my project proposal and outline.

Monday Jan 30 2012

Title – Analysis of evaluations of health system/policy interventions in India
Description – The author did a study of all of the medical evaluations done on the healthcare systems in India and came up with a  list of percentages as to who and what needs to be done in order to better communicate the status or the Indian healthcare system. They found particularly that there is a large number of International Organizations that are commissioning these studies in order to build momentum for humanitarian aid which might have its own inclinations when analyzed appropriately.
Notables – The article concludes that it would be very valuable to have India do more of its own evaluations in order to advance the quality of healthcare across the board in India.

Friday Feb 3 2012

Title – Transplacental transmission of influenza virus: What do we know?
Author – Andreea A Creanga
Description –  This article outlines the possibility of the transmission of the influenza virus across the transplacental blood barrier and it was conducted in a sample of India clinics that have high mortality rate amongst infants in their clinics.

Monday Feb 6 2012

Author - R. Srinivisan
Description -  In this 22 page article the author goes through the current perceptions of the Indian sub continent with the intent on foreseeing the future of what health care in India is to look like over the next several years. See article for description of how and what is currently considered to be the popular forms of health care and what he sees as the future popular forms of medical attention.

Wednesday Feb 8 2012

Read and article today outlining the importance of Ayruvedic medicine on Wikipedia. I cite it because it gave me great insight as to why the people of India are still so focused on finding alternative forms of medical care. The religious and cultural ties to the Traditional forms of medicine are without comparison and many of the people that still practice this form of medicine do so because they were raised on it.

Friday Feb 11 2012

Title: Caste, Social Stigma and Identity Processes
Author: Rusi Jaspal
Journal: Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
 This article outlines the importance that the caste system still plays in India. It also sheds light on some of the social concerns and stigmas that the Indian people deal with on an everyday basis. I really appreciated one part in particular that states the following, “potential rationale underlying caste group members’ resistance to social change vis-à-vis caste, even among those who might be expected to benefit from such change” The idea is that for there to be significant change in the societal make up of the people of India the Caste stigmas and the inability to recognize the holes in society for what they are need to be fixed.

Moday Feb 13 2012

Title: Test Anxiety Research in India: Twentieth Century in Retrospect
Author: Anup Sud
Department of Psychology, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India

This topic is one that I find particularly interesting. The author takes the viewpoint of the levels of anxiety amongst people over the course of the twentieth century. Thus it is not necessarily the most statistically accurate report but it does function to paint a pretty good picture of the anxiety levels throughout the years with respect to Indian citizens in state reports and trends in the market. Ive actually thought about tweaking my project a bit to fit more in these paramaters.

Wednesday Feb 15 2012

Title: History of Homeopathy Medicine in India
Author: Manish Bahatia
Indian Medical Review

In this
On 16th February 1867, Dr. Sircar wrote an article condemning allopathy titled “On the Supposed Uncertainity in Medical Science and the Relationship between Diseases and Medicine”. He was the first man to start a journal on homoeopathy – “India Medical Review” and to attend the first Homoeopathic National Congress conference under the chairmanship of Dr. C. Hering.

Friday Feb 17 2012

No Class

Monday Feb 20 2012


Wednesday Feb 22 2012

Inquiry Conference

Friday Feb 24 2012

Title:Counseling for Depression in the Indian Culture
Author: East Illionois University
Source: Journal of Anthropology and Medicine

Description: The article gives and overview and brief description of all of the current practices in India that are in place to help cope with Depression.This section of the paper is incredible interesting when considering the physical of somatic pains concerning depression. “When a person from India is experiencing depression, their complaints will often be physical instead of emotional. These physical complaints are somatic symptoms of depression. People in India who have depression most often present with somatic symptoms initially. These individuals identify the most troubling aspects of their disorder to be aches and pains (Raguram, Weiss, Keval, & Channabasavanna, 2000). When working with someone from the Indian culture, the counselor should pay careful attention to the client’s physical complaints. The counselor may want to explore with the client the meaning they attribute to their physical symptoms, and consider depression as a possible diagnosis.”

Monday Feb 27 2012

Title: Dosha
Author: Wikipedia
Source: Monier Williams Dicitionary,

Description: When studying ayurvedic medicine it is imperitive that there be a basic understadnign of the concept of Doshas. Doshas are a set of three Humors in the body that make up the constitution of the body. There three forms are Pitta, Vayu and Kapha.

Wednesday Feb 29 2012

Title: Medical Industry Diagnosis: Triage for Health Care and New Vision for Life Sciences
Author: Wharton Economic Review Panel

Description: In this discussion there is an interesting paradox presented that is dissected as the paper moves along The idea is that in India there is a dichotomy between the type of healthcare that is currently offered in India and the type of healthcare that is desired in India. Most people still practice a type or form of Ayurvedic Medicine. This posses and interesting difference in between what we are talking about and the truth behind the preferences of Indians themselves

Friday  March 2 2012

Title: Allopathic Medicine
Author: Wikipedia
Source: and Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 and Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 200

Description:  This entry was great in helping me understand how I was to differentiate between het wo types’ of medicine in India. I struggle wondering what I would say to convey the type of medicine that I was referring t but this article helped me understand a lot more about what I am looking for. A definition offered by the entry is as follows “the broad category of medical practice that is sometimes called Western medicine, biomedicine, evidence-based medicine, or modern medicine”

Monday March 5 2012

Title: Homeopathy Medicine
Author: Wikipedia
Source: and

Description: In the entry on Wikipedia regarding Medical are that is administered through the precepts of homeopathic medical care the following entry was the first paragraph used to describe the medicine. “Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine. Practitioners claim to treat patients using preparations that are highly diluted[1][2] from constituents believed to cause healthy people to exhibit symptoms that are similar to those exhibited by the patient. The collective weight of scientific evidence has found homeopathy to be no more effective than a placebo.”
This type of Medicine although not directly correlated with ayurvedic medicine is an accurate description of a term that could be synonymous with traditional healthcare in India.

Wednesday March 7 2012


Friday March 9 2012

Not Required

Monday March 12 2012

Title: Homeopath, How it really works
Author: Jay W. Sheltom
Source: Book: ISBN 9781591021094

Description: Here is a description pulled from a very western viewpoing to Homeopathy, The popularity of homoeopathy has been increasing dramatically both in America and worldwide. Annual world sales of homoeopathic remedies are approaching two billion dollars. In this thorough examination of homoeopathy, physicist Jay W. Shelton analyses the history, the remedies, the logical inconsistencies, and the effectiveness of this popular alternative medicine. This reasoned, balanced, and in-depth assessment will interest both homoeopaths and conventional medical practitioners, as well as consumers curious about a well-known and much-publicised alternative medicine.

Wednesday March 14 2012


Description: I found this list of Hospitals in India. I found it very interesting not because the list was short or non-descriptive but more so because the Indian government put up the list and there was not type of Ayurvedic medical facility on the list. Below is the list pulled form the website(formatting got a little messed up so visit the website for perhaps a better understanding. However when you follow a side link you can find non allopathic Hospitals in India and there are two headings, Homeopath and Ayurvedic Hospitals.

Friday March 16 2012


Monday March 19 2012

Title: Autism In India
Author: Jasola Vihar

Description: This article defines why the problem of having an underdeveloped medical infrastructure is so difficult in assigning figures and numbers to problems of the world. The research is not yet available to the extent that is necessary to define what the level or prevalence of autism is in India. This article does however give great insight into how the life of a family with Autism might be in rural India.

Wednesday March 21 2012

Title: How common are the “common” neurologic disorders?
Authors: D. Hirtz, MD; D.J. Thurman, MD, MPH; K. Gwinn-Hardy, MD; M. Mohamed, MPH; A.R. Chaudhuri, PhD; and R. Zalutsky, PhD


This article analyzes the prevalence of different disorders and gives us the specifics regarding common neurological disorders among a sample population of average americans. And it finds that the rates of neurological disorders in America simply dwarfs other countries. The average americanf for example is on average 20 times more likely to be depressed than an India.

Friday March 23 2012

Title: Poor People More Likely to Have Experienced Depression

People who consider them selves poor have twice the change of reporting depression. There also is a clear correlation between the cultures that experience depression and what they report as their depression levels.

Monday March 26 2012

Title: Emerging Trends in Indian Healthcare
Author: Madhok and the Emphasis Group (NGO specializing in Medicine awareness)
Source: PowerPoint presentation

Description: This power point make quick work of finding information that is published on fundisi website. It is mainly a Spanish website but this powerpoint was presented in English. It chronicles the current trends and directions that medicine in India is currently taking.

Wednesday March 28 2012



Friday March 30 2012



Monday April 2 2012



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