Like I said on Friday this last week has been quite the week of deadlines and interesting events that have led to the near completion of my IRB. I spent much of the week pursuing the task of finding a mentor and locating someone who has a similar interest as me in this project. I have decided to take yet another turn in the direction of my project. Upon talking with my professors in the Neuroscience Department I have decided to do a health study that coorelates with the neuroscience curriculum. We commonly study neurological disorders and problems that are common in society so instead of studying just the general percetions of Indias regrading healthcare. I wish to survey them based on thier disposition to go and seek medical treatment for existing medical condidtions.
This only makes sense because medicine is what I want to study. The program requires that I do a course contract and that I focus on something within my discipline. Thus the idea of combining two great project ideas cant be overlooked.
See Annotated source for March 23 to see data that refers to the number of poor among americans that report their own depression.
The biggest thing that I am walking away with after this weekend is the need to really focus my self on how I am going to communicate what I want to know to the people that I want to know it from. In other words I am really worried about how I can tie any neurological disorder into my project with out it seeming overly invasive or overly intrusive. I realize that neurological disorders in any culture can be kinda taboo and I hope that I can sensitive in addressing in any culture. How that will be effected in the culture in which I will be living I still am not sure and I really want to find out in order to be as effective as possible.
Much more thought and planning will have to go into my research as I think about the thin line of ethics and appropriateness that I will be forced to walk now.
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